The purpose of this document is to outline methods by which library materials and resources are selected, maintained, and evaluated; to inform the public about the principles of materials selection for the Mountain Regional Library System (MRLS); and ensure funds received by the library are spent in accordance with MRLS’s mission statement.
MRLS will provide a diverse collection of materials and resources necessary to meet the informational and recreational reading, listening and viewing needs and demands of current and future MRLS patrons. Special emphasis shall be placed on offering children’s materials, local interest, popular and current non-fiction materials. The collection will be regularly reviewed and revised to reflect the changing demographics and needs of the communities served.
Definitions: n/a
The Mountain Regional Library System Board of Trustees and MRLS Director hold ultimate responsibility for the selection of materials (Ga. Code Ann. 20-5-43(4) and 20-5-45(5)). This responsibility may be delegated by the Library Director to the members of the professional staff to select material based on their areas of responsibility, experience, and educational background.
MRLS will provide a variety of materials in both print and non-print formats. The MRLS collection will include as wide a selection as possible within the confines of budget and space limitations. No library material or resource shall be excluded because of the race, nationality, religion, gender or the political or social view of the author. Materials selected under this policy are considered protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.
The following general criteria are applied to all resources, regardless of format.
Selection Criteria includes but is not limited to:
- High demand, popular materials
- Relevant to community needs and interests
- Attention of critics, reviewers, and the public
- Artistic merit, literary value, or recognized award recipient
- Local or national significance
- Cost of an item relative to expectation of usage
- Ease of use for all age groups
- Suitability for intended audiences
MRLS does not accept donations of materials without an accompanying written request to add the item to the library materials collection. Each item being offered up as a donation or gift must include a completed MRLS Donation Form. Upon receipt of the donation and donation form, library staff will make a determination whether the item is suitable to be added to the materials collection. Any item donated to MRLS unconditionally becomes library property and may be utilized in whatever manner the library determines to be in the best interest of the library including rejection and discard of the item. Gifts are subject to the same selection criteria that are applied to materials purchased with library funding. The Library Director reserves the right to unconditionally accept or reject any donation being offered.
MRLS does not provide monetary evaluations or appraisals for tax deduction or any other purposes.
As a practice, MRLS does not purchase self-published works. These are materials published outside known mainstream or academic publishers or are published through a monetary payment process by the author, a book publishing company, or website. Self-published works bought or gifted to the library are subject to the normal collection criteria process.
MRLS does not purchase textbooks as a standard practice.
MRLS provides online access to GALILEO, or Georgia Library Learning Online. GALILEO is the virtual library of Georgia, and provides access to general interest, periodicals, government documents, and research material through an electronic formation. Selection decisions for content within GALILEO are made by the University System of Georgia.
MRLS may subscribe to additional electronic databases beyond those provided in GALILEO. These resources shall be selected based on community need and interest.
MRLS will provide access to electronic materials such as eBooks. These resources shall be accessible on a variety of electronic devices and shall be used to supplement the regular print collection.
MRLS will provide access to newspapers and periodicals to supplement the library collection. Back issues of these materials may be kept for a limited time and based upon storage availability.
When available, MRLS will provide access to non-standard library materials such as laptops, experience passes, literacy kits and more. The listed examples should not be seen as the only examples of non-standard library materials to be offered by the library. Non-standard items will be subjected to the same criteria and maintenance as other items in the collection.
Access to and availability to purchase any library resource may change from year to year based on external and internal factors.
MRLS does not promote particular beliefs or viewpoints. MRLS subscribes to the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights with regard to the selection of materials. MRLS collects materials which serve a wide variety of ages, ethnic groups and educational levels with content representing various points of view on all issues without endorsement, restriction or prejudice. The library does not restrict access to materials based upon patron age. Responsibility for a patron's use of library resources, regardless of format or content, rests solely with that patron or a minor's parent or legal guardian, not with MRLS.
Controversial items may not be removed through the process of weeding or discarding in an attempt to resolve a conflict or other circumstances associated with the items.
The public has a right to request additions to the collection and to question resources now currently in the collection. During the process of reconsideration, questioned resources remain in the active collection until an official decision is made.
MRLS reconsiders any resource in its owned collection upon formal request of a Towns, Union or Fannin resident. The request must be filed in writing by completing and signing the "Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials" form, and the originator of the reconsideration request must reside in one the system’s counties.
Established procedures will ensure objections or complaints are researched by MRLS staff, distributed to trustees, and handled in a consistent and timely manner. Resources under reconsideration are not removed from the collection during the process but may be recalled for the purposes of reconsideration.
The local Boards of Trustees review local requests for reconsideration of library resources and will determine the outcome of the request. If a specific resource has been previously challenged within the prior 12 months and a decision was rendered by the local Board of Trustees, the respective Board Chair can determine whether a resource’s current request for reconsideration will be heard by the local Board. Whatever the outcome, the library director will oversee the distribution of the associated response to the originator of the reconsideration request.
If necessary, an appeal of a challenged resource may be heard by the Mountain Regional Library System Board of Trustees. An appeal can be requested by the local Board of Trustees or the Library Director. The regional Board of Trustees also reserves the right to review and modify the outcome of the challenged resource if it is deemed the outcome will have some effects on the entire library system.
MRLS will emphasize acquiring, within the limitations of budget and facilities, materials that reflect the political, social, cultural, and economic life of Fannin, Towns, and Union Counties, Georgia. To some degree, the state of Georgia, the surrounding areas of Fannin, Towns and Union and southeastern region of the United States will also be an emphasis. Criteria standards for the general collection may not always apply to a genealogy collection since materials can vary in scope and format. Genealogical materials may be excluded from the collection due to limitations of space and scope if they do not pertain directly to the emphasized locations.
To maintain the vitality of the collection, materials are subject to being removed from the collection also known as weeding or discarding. This is the process of withdrawing materials which no longer meet the criteria for inclusion in the collection, and weeding is an integral part of collection management and maintenance.
Factors involved in the decision to weed materials include but are not limited to:
- poor physical condition
- superfluous because demand no longer exists
- duplicate titles
- obsolescence
- lack of available space
If suitable, discarded materials may be sold in the libraries, recycled, or given to non-profit, charitable resellers.
The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.
- Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community MRLS serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
- Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues. Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
- Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.
- Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.
- A person’s right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.
- Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.
Revised: 10/26/2022
Mountain Regional Library System (MRLS) strives to develop collections, resources, and services that meet the cultural, informational, and educational needs of the community. It is within this context that the Mountain Regional Library System offers access to the Internet through MRLS owned technology as well as through wireless enabled devices owned by Library patrons and visitors.
Device - a library owned computer terminal, laptop, tablet, or other equipment used to access the wired or wireless network of the library
Disclaimer Regarding Content and Security
MRLS does not monitor and has no control over materials obtained on the Internet, and cannot be held responsible for its content. MRLS cannot control access to materials or protect patrons from materials they may find offensive. Not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete or current information. The Internet is a worldwide community with a highly diverse user population, and it is the user’s responsibility to use this resource wisely.
MRLS does not provide technical support for establishing or maintaining a connection nor equipment configurations. MRLS is not responsible for any changes made to an individual device’s settings and does not guarantee a user's hardware will work with the library's Internet connections.
MRLS is not responsible for theft of or damage to personal equipment brought into the library. MRLS cannot guarantee that patrons who use the Internet will have privacy in their communications and other Internet uses. MRLS assumes no liability for loss or damage to the users’ data or for any damage or injury arising from invasion of the user’s privacy. The user should be aware of computer viruses and other destructive computer programs, and take steps to avoid being a victim of such programs. Users should report computer viruses and other destructive computer programs to staff as soon as possible.
MRLS reserves the right to amend this policy as needed.
Internet Rules of Conduct
- Device users agree to comply with the Library's Computer and Internet Acceptable Use Policy each time they initiate a Device session.
- Devices are to be used in a courteous, appropriate and lawful manner.
- Devices are provided primarily for educational and informational purposes.
- Library staff may choose to restrict the length of Device sessions
- Devices are not to be shared, with the exception that parents or legal guardians may work together with their minor children at the same workstation. Regardless of whose account is used to log in to a Device, all users agree to comply with the Computer and Internet Acceptable Use Policy.
- The patron’s PINES account must not be in a “Blocked or Barred” status for access to a Device be granted.
- All users are to respect the privacy of others
- The user must adhere to all Device procedures for use
- No user may send, receive, view, download or display obscene or disruptive messages, files, or images.
- Users may not misrepresent themselves by access code, password, signature or other means.
- Users may not alter or attempt to alter Library hardware or software, or attach peripheral equipment to Library equipment without staff permission.
- Users may not attach personal equipment or devices to the Library’s wired access network
- Users may not use Library Devices in violation of Intellectual Property laws, including, but not limited to making illegal copies of copyrighted or licensed software or data.
- Users may download legally obtained materials to their own portable memory devices but may not download materials or install software on Library Devices
- Users are also expected to comply with all local, state and federal laws including but not limited to those concerning fraud, copyright, privacy or obscenity.
Inappropriate Use of Technology
Misuse of technology or Internet access will result in loss of library privileges. It is not acceptable to use MRLS’s electronic resources for illegal or criminal use. If necessary, Law enforcement may be contacted to assist with MRLS with situations seemingly criminal or illegal.
- First offense will result in a warning
- Second offense will result in 3-month loss of library privileges
- Subsequent offenses within a 12-month window following the previous offense will result in a loss of library privileges for one year
Youth Access to the Internet
Internet access may expose users to information that may not be suitable for minors. Parents or guardians are responsible for supervising and monitoring their child’s use of the Internet.
Staff does not act in the place of a parent or legal guardian to supervise or restrict materials a child or young adult may legally access on the Internet.
Public Internet access devices owned and operated by MRLS are subject to the statutes subsumed under the federal Children's Internet Protection Act and the Official Code of Georgia Annotated Section 20-5-5, Internet safety policies in public libraries. These statutes establish as unacceptable the use of such equipment for “sending, receiving, viewing, or downloading visual depictions of obscenity, child pornography, or material that is harmful to minors”. In addition, certain other acts involving computer fraud, abuse, alteration, tampering, etc. may be classified under federal, state, or local laws as crimes, and therefore punishable by fines, imprisonment or both. Patrons demonstrating unacceptable use that is illegal may be criminally prosecuted.
Wireless Network Access
MRLS currently provides and will continue to provide free wireless access to the Internet for library users and visitors to use with their own mobile devices.
The following applies to users of the wireless service inside or outside of library facilities:
- Users of the wireless network are required to abide by the same usage policies and rules of behavior as users of MRLS in-house public access devices.
- Users of the wireless network are responsible for maintaining up-to-date security software on their wireless device. Use of the wireless network is entirely at the risk of the user.
- Wireless network use is "as-is" and "as available." Random loss of signal is not preventable. MRLS is not responsible for loss of personal data or damage to personal equipment due to loss of wireless signal.
Purpose: Establish a policy related to the Georgia Code (O. C. G. A §24-12-30) regarding circulation and other library records, which may identify the user of library materials or services and other Georgia Open Records Act requests through subpoena, court order or third-party requests.
Definitions: N/A
Policy: This policy applies to all library records or knowledge held by library staff members, including, but not limited to, conversations with patrons, the circulation of library materials, computer database searches, interlibrary loan transactions, information requests, requests for photocopies of library materials, title reservation requests, email addresses, library program participation, any in-house use of library materials, video surveillance footage, and other records which indicate the identity of library users, especially as they connect library users with material or services used. These records and patron transactions that may identify patrons by name or description, are strictly confidential.
Such records and knowledge thereof are accessible only to appropriate library staff members, and, according to Georgia Code (O.C.G.A. §24-12-30), may only be disclosed as follows:
To members of the library staff in the ordinary course of business;
Upon written consent of the user of the library materials or the user's parents or guardians if the user is a minor or ward;
To an agency or individual or any local, state or federal government, pursuant to a process, subpoena or court order authorized pursuant to a federal, state, or local law relating to civil, criminal, administrative or legislative investigative power.
Any MRLS employee receiving a subpoena, third-party request for documents, a Georgia Open Records (O.C.G.A. § 50-18-90) request, a court order, or any other legal process that seeks the production of Library documents, confidential patron information, or the appearance of a Library employee at a legal proceeding (a “Legal Request”) must refer the Legal Request not later than the next business day following receipt to the Library Director. Documents include both electronic and paper records. The Library Director, and/or his designee(s), may confer with the Library’s attorney to formulate a response and/or objection to the legal request, consistent with applicable law.
The Mountain Regional Library System (MRLS) is proud to offer free access to a variety of equipment, kits, and devices to the public for their educational, informational, and recreational purposes.
The Mountain Regional Library System (MRLS) is proud to offer free access to a variety of equipment, kits, and devices to the public for their educational, informational, and recreational purposes.
The following outlines the lending policy for specific equipment, kits and devices determined by MRLS staff to be included under the umbrella of this policy:
- Patrons will need an active MRLS library card and state-issued picture ID to check out items listed on the Borrower’s Agreement; parents or legal guardians may present their ID on behalf of a juvenile user.
- Failure to comply with the Rules of Conduct listed on the Borrower’s Agreement may result in the restriction or loss of a user’s borrowing privilege at the discretion of MRLS staff.
- Chromebooks and/or laptops or other electronic devices will be managed and maintained by the Library system and/or the Georgia Public Library Service.
- MRLS is not responsible for damage to an external device (i.e. a flash drive or other external device) or for the loss of data that may occur. Please be aware when downloading data to removable media that software or files downloaded from the Internet, or from any unknown computer, may contain viruses or malware.
- Patrons should not be required to create an external user account to use a device or equipment borrowed from MRLS
- MRLS is not responsible for any objectionable material that may be found on the Internet while using a borrowed device
- MRLS is not responsible for any personal information a user willingly posts or transmits, nor the security of any online personal or financial transactions.
- Patrons should not assume MRLS owned Chromebooks will have adequate virus checking software on them to protect all data. MRLS does not warranty against data loss or damage to your personal devices while using a MRLS Chromebook and installed software.
- Some items listed as Device, Kit, or Equipment in the online catalog may be exempt from this policy as determined by MRLS Administration
Adopted May 19, 2021 by MRLS Regional Board of Trustees
Define how patron fines and fees are determined
As a member of the Georgia PINES network, the Library System has adopted circulation rules, including a fines structures, in accordance with PINES Circulation policies.
A fines and fees schedule will be posted the library’s website.
Fees may be assessed for special services that require additional costs to the library. Associated costs for these services will be determined by the Library Director on an ongoing basis.
Amended by MRLS BOT 5/15/24
Explains MRLS’s position on the handling of lost materials.
If an item is lost or damaged beyond repair and/or an acceptable level of use, Mountain Regional Library System will assess a replacement fee and a $10.00 processing fee for each of the damaged item(s) to the borrower’s account.
Technical Processing Services will assign a replacement cost to an item, or the replacement cost for an item will be at least the minimum default item amount set by the PINES Circulation policies. However, MRLS reserves the right to adjust the replacement cost of an item(s) to reflect the current value of an item(s) in the event the item’s value is undetermined.
Mountain Regional Library System does not accept replacement copies for lost or damaged materials unless approval by the Director is obtained.
The Mountain Regional Library System shall require a cash deposit to check out high value books that have a potential for theft based on circulation history.
The amount of the deposit, and which books will require a deposit shall be determined by the branch manager.
Patrons who are not capable of supplying the deposit, shall be restricted to using the book inside the library. All deposits provided will be refunded to the patron upon the return of the book.
Approved by the Mountain Regional Library System Board of Trustees, November 4, 2015
Meeting areas are provided as a public service and the Mountain Regional Library System (MRLS) Board of Trustees establishes usage regulations. Library can refer to MRLS or any of the member libraries.
For the purpose of this policy, meeting rooms, community rooms, conference areas, boardrooms, or other designated interior or exterior spaces will be considered meeting areas.
Use of the meeting areas by outside agencies or organizations does not constitute the Libraries’ endorsement of the viewpoints expressed by the participants in programs. No advertisement implying endorsement will be permitted.
In order to maintain building security, all public meetings must be held during regular Library business hours and must end no later than 20 minutes prior to the posted Library closing time. All activities in the meeting areas are subject to supervision. All state and local fire codes must be observed in addition to all other City Codes and Ordinances.
Any person can freely and openly attend all meetings held in any meeting area.
Those using the Library's meeting areas are subject to the rules set forth in the MRLS Patron Behavior Statement of Policy.
Library sponsored activities take precedence over all other requests for reservations.
Educational, cultural and civic programs, local government agencies, and advocacy groups are also given priority over other reservation requests.
Meeting areas will not be used for private gatherings (wedding receptions or showers, birthday parties, reunions, etc.) political rallies or activities, or commercial gatherings, which advertise a product or service.
All other meeting requests from groups are considered on a first come, first served basis.
If necessary, the Library reserves the right to revise any schedule of meetings and to preempt established reservations upon reasonable notification of the group(s) involved.
A representative of the organization or group using a meeting area is required to sign an agreement assuming responsibility for the use of the area. That representative must be at least 18 years of age and provide identification.
It is not the intent of MRLS to provide ongoing, regular meeting space for any organization or individual. Therefore, standing reservations are not commonly made. A group may reserve a meeting area up to twice a month. The Director reserves the right to allow a group to reserve an area beyond twice a month if the reservation is deemed beneficial for both parties.
Reservations will not be accepted more than two (2) months in advance without approval of the branch manager and Director.
The organization / group using the meeting area will not:
- charge or accept any fee for attendance to the event
- solicit any products or materials in the Library facility or on Library grounds. The Director reserves the right to allow solicitations of products or materials for specific events beneficial for both the Library and the host organization or presenter(s).
- solicit personal information from attendees for subsequent marketing or financial transactions
- use any materials in the room that would be hazardous, for example, flammable materials such as candles, incense, light strips, etc.
A cleaning fee, up to $100.00, may be assessed if special cleaning is required after a group has used the meeting area.
Continued non-compliance of this policy can lead to being denied privileges to use any meeting area in the future.
Neither the Library Board of Trustees nor the Library Staff assume any responsibility for loss, theft or damage incurred to personal or rental property brought into the building or on the grounds nor do they assume any liability for any injury to any person (persons) during the time the premises are used.
Study Rooms
Study rooms provide space for individuals or small groups to engage in quiet study, work activities or group projects. The provisions listed below are specific to the Study Room use only, and all other Meeting Area policy statements remain applicable.
Study Room Use:
Same day reservations can be made by an individual or a group. Requests for study rooms can be made in person at the Circulation Desk. A study room will be held for 15 minutes after the requested time before the reservation is considered canceled.
Individuals requesting study rooms must be over 10 years of age.
Study rooms are scheduled for two (2) hours per day per individual or group. Added conditional time per day may be granted if there is no waiting list. Reserved rooms are not transferrable to another individual or group.
A study room left unattended for more than 15 minutes will be considered abandoned and will be assigned to next user.
Study room lights must be kept on at all times when the room is in use.
Patrons may not move furniture in or out of a study room.
Patrons who leave the study room untidy may lose future study room privileges.
Study rooms are not soundproof. Discussions and overall volume of devices should be kept at quiet conversational levels so as not the disturb others in the Library.
Amended by MRLS BOT 5/15/24
Mountain Regional Library System (MRLS) is committed to providing all patrons an atmosphere and environment free from unnecessary distractions and spaces where patrons, library staff, and volunteers are respected and courteous to all others. Patrons, staff and volunteers are entitled to a relative expectation that visits to any MRLS library will be free from harassment, physical or mental discomfort, and danger.
Inappropriate or unruly behavior is defined as any behavior on MRLS premises which infringes on the rights of others to use the library in relative comfort and safety, behavior which could result in injury to oneself or others, or behavior which could result in damage to library materials or property.
Mountain Regional Library System (MRLS) is committed to providing all patrons an atmosphere and environment free from unnecessary distractions and spaces where patrons, library staff, and volunteers are respected and courteous to all others. Patrons, staff and volunteers are entitled to a relative expectation that visits to any MRLS library will be free from harassment, physical or mental discomfort, and danger.
Inappropriate or unruly behavior is defined as any behavior on MRLS premises which infringes on the rights of others to use the library in relative comfort and safety, behavior which could result in injury to oneself or others, or behavior which could result in damage to library materials or property. When patron behavior disrupts the use of the library for library staff or other patrons, staff will take one or more of the following steps appropriate to the situation:
- Issue a verbal warning
- Ask the patron to leave for the remainder of the day
- Call law enforcement
- Restrict library privileges – time and severity determined by infraction and previous incidents by the Director
This policy lists some examples of inappropriate or unruly behaviors, which are disruptive to or interfere with the use of the library by other patrons but is not exhaustive.
- Any act or conduct in violation of Federal, State, or local law, ordinance, or regulation
- Any act or conduct in violation of other MRLS policies
- Use of abusive or obscene language
- Any behavior that constitutes a nuisance or disrupts the use of the library by others
- Threatening the safety or rights of another person including bullying and the physical, psychological, or verbal harassment of staff, patrons, or volunteers. MRLS has a policy of zero tolerance for threats and acts of bullying and violence. Any person engaging in such behaviors will be removed from library property.
- Neglecting to provide proper supervision of children
- Damaging or defacing the library property or materials.
- Using language or gestures that incites violence or prejudicial action against a group or individual on the basis of race, religion, ethnic or national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
- Using library parking lots for recreational purposes
- Soliciting, distributing materials of any kind or petitioning of any kind without the prior authorization of the Director.
- Bringing animals other than service animals into library buildings without authorization.
- Entering a non-public area without permission from a staff member.
- Refusing to comply with requests of any member of the library staff.
Adopted: 8/12/2020
Libraries are public spaces enjoyed by the community. MRLS welcomes the use of our buildings for photography and filming. Photography and/or filming is allowed to the extent that it does not interfere with the delivery of library services.
Parties involved in photography and filming are expected to follow the Library’s Patron Behavior Statement of Policy. MRLS reserves the right to terminate any photography and video/filming activity that causes any undue disturbance, violates MRLS policies/procedures, or endangers the health and/or safety of library users and/or staff.
Photography and/or filming and/or audio recording members of the public, library staff, and public programs (unless permission has been granted in advance by MRLS) are prohibited except as outlined in this policy. Persons photographing or filming on library premises have the sole responsibility for gaining all necessary releases and permissions as dictated by the property’s respective owner.
Amateur Photography
Casual photography and filming for personal use is permitted in public areas of library facilities for patrons and visitors wanting a record of their visit. Amateur photographers have explicit responsibility for gaining all necessary permissions from persons who are filmed or photographed.
Refrain from using flash equipment in areas that may disturb library users. Tripods or other equipment must not obstruct passageways or cause disturbances to library users.
Creative or Professional Photography
Library buildings may be used as a setting for creative, professional, or commercial photography and/or filming. Requests must be submitted in writing using the Contact Us form on the MRLS website and approved in advance by MRLS. In order to receive permission to take photos or video on MRLS properties, inside or outside, an insurance certificate listing Mountain Regional Library System as an additional insured for purposes of taking photos and/or video is required. Submission of the appropriate form and insurance certificate does not constitute an approval of facility usage.
Media Outlets
Media outlets doing stories or projects related to the Library or its programs and services are welcome to perform photography and video/filming. Prior approval must be obtained from the Outreach Coordinator or Library Director. Requests from members of the media should be directed to the Outreach Coordinator at outreach@mountainlibrary.com
MRLS does not grant permission for media outlets to use its facilities for stories or projects that do not relate to the Library. Library facilities are not allowed to be used as interview venues for unrelated stories.
Groups and Non-Library Events in Meeting Rooms
Groups utilizing library meeting rooms may arrange for photographers and news media outlets during their event. Filming and photography for such events is restricted to the space reserved by the group and may not take place in other areas of the library.
MRLS Usage of Media
MRLS engages in photography and video/recording of activities, programs, and events for promotional purposes in print and online. Library patrons’ consent to the use of their photo taken at the library or during library events, unless they specifically inform staff otherwise. Notify library staff if you do not want to be photographed or recorded.
To ensure the privacy of any individual, images and videos will not be identified using full names or personally identifying information without written consent from the photographed subject, parent or legal guardian.
Adopted: 10/26/2022
Purpose: The Mountain Regional Library System (MRLS) utilizes video camera surveillance to help ensure and maintain a safe and secure patron and facility environment while providing security for staff and Library properties.
Definitions: N/A
Policy: MRLS may use security cameras to monitor library buildings, parking lots, entrances, hallways, public areas, staff work areas, or other areas on MRLS property where there is no expectation of privacy (O.C.G.A. §16-11-62(2)(B)). Examples of interior spaces include: entry/exit points, window areas, blind spots, difficult-to-monitor areas, branch “community” meeting rooms, children and teen play areas, and areas of specific security-related concern. This is not an exhaustive list of locations where security can be monitored by the placement of cameras.
Cameras shall not be used in areas where patrons or staff have a reasonable expectation of privacy (e.g., restrooms, changing rooms). Cameras will not be placed in the administration staff offices unless approved by the Library Director.
To ensure patron confidentiality, care is taken in the placement of the cameras to minimize the chances that cameras record what library patrons are reading, borrowing, or viewing.
As a public agency, MRLS is subject to the Georgia Open Records Act (O.C.G.A. § 50-18-70 et seq.), under which records created by MRLS (including video records) are considered public record and may be subject to inspection.
MRLS is subject to the Georgia Records Act (O.C.G.A. § 50-18-90 et seq.) which applies to local government and its agencies, boards, etc., and requires an approved records retention policy. Security or surveillance video is to be retained for a minimum of 30 days, barring any incident that may occur during that period to warrant a longer retention period based on the circumstances. Footage will be retained for a minimum of 30 days, after which time such video records may be destroyed, unless there is a justification to retain such footage for a longer period.
Requests for access to video surveillance records for specified time periods can be made to the MRLS administrative office. Because of the challenges involved in protecting confidential patron information, when presented with a request to view video records, access to such records will be handled on a case-by-case basis, balancing the interests of transparency and confidentiality. At no time will staff allow patrons or any other unauthorized person to view recorded security camera video.
The live security camera feeds are not constantly monitored by MRLS staff.
Only designated staff members, the Library Director or designee, have the proper credentials for unlimited recorded surveillance footage. Normal viewing of footage will be considered “spot” viewing in order to review specific operational situations, enhance staff training, or fulfill requests made by MRLS staff. Any request to view or review footage will be escalated to the Library Director for consideration.
Footage may also be requested by law enforcement or by subpoena or other judicial or legal process and will be produced in accordance with applicable state law.
The Mountain Regional Library System affirms its support of equal access for persons with disabilities and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Library seeks to make its services, facilities, and programs as accessible as reasonably possible to the public, including those who have disabilities.
The Mountain Regional Library System affirms its support of equal access for persons with disabilities and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The Library seeks to make its services, facilities, and programs as accessible as reasonably possible to the public, including those who have disabilities.
is the service dog required because of a disability, and
what work or task has the dog been trained to perform. 28 CFR 35.136 (f)
Explain the position of MRLS with regards to the act of smoking on library premises.
Smoking is defined as the burning of a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe, or any other device, matter or substance.
MRLS complies with the Georgia Smokefree Air Act of 2005. All MRLS buildings are designated as smoke-free and tobacco-free areas. In addition, the use or inhalation of e-cigarettes or electronic cigarettes (“vaping”) is prohibited in library buildings. Smoking, tobacco use, and vaping are prohibited within 20 feet of any library entrance or exit, on loading docks, in courtyards, or in any of the demonstration gardens on library grounds. This policy applies to the use of any tobacco product, including smokeless tobacco, and applies to visitors and employees of the Library.
Revised and Approved by the Mountain Regional Library System Board of Trustees, July 28, 2021
Purpose: The purpose of Mountain Regional Library System (MRLS) social media platform usage and accounts is to interact with our community and patrons, as well as provide information on events and other services offered. Our three social media priorities should be: promote, interact, and connect.
The Social Media Policy should not be confused with section K-7 of the MRLS Personnel Manual. The K-7 section specifically addresses how staff may use and interact with social media.
Definitions: n/a
Policy: Social Media
Libraries are increasingly relying on social media as a way to connect with patrons and the wider community, and as such, social media has become a way to disseminate varied forms of information. An online presence is key to growth and reach and has become increasingly important in a post-pandemic world. Social media gives us the opportunity to reach people outside the confines of our buildings. This document is intended to set guidelines for the social media platforms and content of the Mountain Regional Library System.
To increase awareness in our communities of the libraries and their services
To promote library resources, services, and offerings
To project an image that is welcoming and helpful, and upholds the MRLS Strategic Plan
To develop and strengthen partnerships with other organizations and small businesses in our communities
Varied content tends to work well with social media consumers, including text, photos, videos, and reshared content rather than blocks of text. There are important points to consider when posting content such as:
- Social media is a tool to develop trust within the community. People want to feel as though social media is run by a real person who is genuine and sincere.
- Part of authenticity is understanding the tone and voice used to represent MRLS on social media. Varied posts are great, but be careful tossing a random internet meme onto a page filled with informational posts, as it might lessen the trust of users.
- The posts should help MRLS meet system goals and focus on the strategic priorities. Each post should have the intention of somehow connecting MRLS services and offerings with the community it serves, whether that is through highlighting new books in the library, sharing a photo of happy patrons, or promoting an upcoming event. These are simply examples of kinds of posts and not intended to be an exhaustive list.
- Section K-7.4 of the MRLS Personnel Manual includes guidelines for what is and is not permissible content. K-7.4 states:
- Any content posted as representative of MRLS, or content posted to an MRLS-sanctioned social media site, containing any of the following shall not be allowed:
- Comments not topically related to the particular site or blog article being commented upon;
- Profane language or content;
- Content that promotes, fosters, or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race; color; religion; gender; national origin; age; disability; genetic information; uniformed service status; pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical conditions; or any other legally protected category;
- Sexual content or links to sexual content;
- Conduct or encouragement of illegal activity;
- Threats or information that may tend to compromise the safety or security of the public or public systems; or
- Content that violates a legal ownership interest (i.e., copyright) of any other party.
Sanctioned Platforms
MRLS may utilize any social media or mass market platform it deems appropriate and beneficial. Any platform MRLS chooses to utilize will have to provide the necessary components allowing MRLS to achieve the goals of this policy and the MRLS Strategic Plan. Any new platform account, usage and strategy must be sanctioned by the Library Director.
Comments & Replies
Social media should be viewed as an extension of our library space, and certain behaviors will not be tolerated, just as they are not within our buildings. Spam comments, excessively long and/or off-topic, abusive, threatening, or profane may be hidden or deleted. Deletion should be a last resort but utilized to keep our social media pages as inclusive and welcoming as possible. MRLS will remind users interacting on our pages and sites that MRLS reserves the right to review all comments, moderate, hide or delete any violating our policies. As a last resort, users who refuse to follow the rules and act accordingly may be blocked from our pages or sites.
MRLS Comment Policy (to be posted on social media if possible; can be sent to users who violate policy):
MRLS intends for our social media pages and sites to be places where we interact with the community through comments and conversations. MRLS reserves the right to moderate, hide, or delete comments that are deemed: spam, excessively long/off-topic, abusive, threatening, profane, or otherwise harmful. We ask that you be respectful in any interactions on our social media pages or sites.
Photography Consent
Each library branch will post signage indicating photos are occasionally taken, and MRLS will uphold Content Removal requests as part of this social media policy. At events, sign in sheets should have a sentence or two that serves as a photo release form. Make every attempt to take photos that do not clearly show an individual patron’s face unless you have express permission from the patron or patron’s guardian.
Content Removal Request
Users may contact MRLS Administration to ask that a photo or post be taken down. They should provide: the social media account in question, the date of the post, and why they are asking for its removal. Requests will be reviewed and the final decision will be made by the Library Director.
The Mountain Regional Library System (MRLS) is committed to providing its users with a safe and welcoming library environment and an atmosphere free from unnecessary distractions.
Caregivers: An individual at least 16 years of age who acknowledges this responsibility for a child or dependent person. This can include parents, legal guardians and other caregivers
Parents, legal guardians, and caregivers are responsible for the care and behavior of children and dependent persons at all times while on MRLS premises, or substitute location, at all times. Children who are 10 years of age or younger must remain in the company of the parent, legal guardian or caregiver.
Library Programs
A child who is attending a library program may need not be accompanied into the program by a caregiver, however, this shall be determined by the scope of the program, availability of staff, and other mitigating circumstances. Caregivers must, however, be on the premises during the programming in case an emergency should arise.
Persons Left Unattended on Premises During Regular Business Hours
When MRLS staff recognizes a child or dependent person has been left unattended in the library or on its premises, they will attempt to identify and locate the caregiver.
If necessary, MRLS staff will contact local Law Enforcement to assist with the situation and alert the Director or Assistant Director
Unattended Persons at or after Closing Time
Caregivers are responsible for being aware of the times when the attending library is open and closed. MRLS staff shall exercise appropriate procedures to ensure the safety of unattended persons, minors 17 years of age and younger, who are not caregivers as defined in this policy, or dependent persons of any age, especially when the library is closing or has closed.
Under no circumstances will library staff members provide transportation to unattended minors or dependent persons, or leave them alone in the building or on the library premises.
If necessary, MRLS staff will contact local Law Enforcement to assist with the situation and alert the Director or Assistant Director. Two staff members should remain on the premises until the minors or dependent adults have been collected by a caregiver or until Law Enforcement arrives on the premises.
MRLS is a proud member of the Georgia PINES Network of Libraries.
What is PINES?
PINES is Georgia’s “borderless library” system that allows PINES card holders free access to books and other materials in 300 library branches and affiliated service outlets throughout the state.