Suggest a New Title

MRLS welcomes suggestions of titles to add to our collections.  Please note that it may take 2-3 weeks to place orders.

  • Only residents of Fannin, Towns or Union Counties can request collection additions
  • Please limit your requests to 2 titles a week.
  • We are unable to acquire the following items:
    • Movies or TV shows (any format)
    • Music CDs
    • Works too technical or scholarly
    • Works too expensive for anticipated use
    • Materials not relevant to our collection
    • Self-published titles or out-of-print titles
    • Titles not available from our approved suppliers
  • Check the PINES Catalog to search our collections before you make your request.
  • You may also request a title not held by the Library through Interlibrary Loan. Contact your local branch from more details.
  • If you select to place the item on hold, our staff will handle this process. Otherwise, we will not contact you in regards to the purchase request.